Maybe You have started to choose gold as an investment option. In addition to being pragmatic, gold is considered very suitable for starting to invest.
However, although investing in gold is indeed pragmatic, Be-emers must also know the history of the existence and discovery of gold itself as additional knowledge and to improve the quality of literacy.
On this occasion, the right discussion related to the history of the existence and discovery of gold starts from the Gold Rush Event which is an important history for the mining world, especially gold.
What Was the Gold Rush?
Gold Rush is an event of gold discovery or gold content that makes people from all over the country flock to compete to mine gold in a place or country.
This Gold Rush event has also been recorded several times, starting from the Australian Gold Rush, California Gold Rush, Witwatersrand Gold Rush, Tierra del Fuego Gold Rush and Klondike Gold Rush.
As is known, the first Gold Rush event was the discovery of gold in Australia, precisely in Bathurst, New South Wales in 1851 by Edward Hammond Hargraves. However, long before that, Australia was also considered a trigger for the Gold Rush event because in 1823, James McBrien discovered gold in the Fish River near Bathurst. The impact felt from the Australian Gold Rush was that Australia, which at that time was a British colony known as a place of exile for convicts, became a very advanced country in the mining industry. Continued with the California Gold Rush, namely the discovery of gold in California in 1849 which was discovered by James Wilson Marshall. It is known that in this event hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world traveled to California, including Edward Hargraves, the discoverer of the Australian Gold Rush. After that, it was continued with the Witwatersrand Gold Rush event, which was the first time gold was discovered in South Africa, precisely in the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in 1886. And the Tierra del Fuego Gold Rush event, namely the discovery of gold in Chile, Argentina in 1883 to 1906 by Chilean Navy officer Ramón Serrano Montaner. And the last was the Klondike Gold Rush event, the discovery of gold in northern Canada, precisely in Bonanza Creek, Klondike by George Carmack. It is known that the impact of the Klondike Gold Rush event recorded no less than 100,000 people going to mine.